
幽霊が出ると噂の灯台に住んでみたら 後編


massage_icons 幽霊が出ると噂の灯台に住んでみたら 後編


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Continue reading about the haunted lighthouse in Block Island and let us know in the comments if you've ever experienced something similar!

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 It is reported that, in the early 1900s, the lighthouse keeper’s wife died under suspicious circumstances. She was found with a broken neck at the bottom of the lighthouse stairs. 


 It was known that she and her husband would have very violent arguments. One day, after a fierce argument, he pushed her off the round staircase in the tower and she fell to her death. 


 Although he claimed it was suicide, he was tried for and convicted of her murder. He was sent to prison, never returning to the lighthouse. 


 However, it is said that his wife never left and that her ghostly spirit still lives on in the house, terrorizing the male guests.      It is believed that she, understandably, holds a grudge toward male guests. 


 When a past male keeper was sleeping alone in the house, he was awakened with her harassing him.      The harassment continued throughout the night, and having had enough, he ran out of the house with only his underwear on. 

 When he returned, he found that she had locked him out of the house. 


 So, here we were, a young married couple getting ready to spend the next several years in a house that some say was haunted. 


 I didn’t think much of the stories being told, and basically forgot about them. Until one night, when we were awoken in bed by a strange and loud noise coming from the floor above us.      Imagine the sound of a heavy shipping chain being dragged from one side of the room to the other - that is the only way I can explain the sound. 


 This went on for what seemed like eternity. I remember lying there in pure terror, too terrified to investigate the horrifying noise. 


 This same thing happened several other times during our stay in the house, with no reasonable explanation of what the noise could be. 


 Many nights we would hear footsteps walking back and forth on the porch, with no one to be found.      One night, before going to bed, we did our normal rounds of securing all the doors in the house. One door in particular was a big heavy metal door that led from our living quarters to the light tower. 


 After making sure the door was double-locked, we went to bed. The next morning, we found the door wide open.      Confused as to how this could have happened, we again locked the door and went back upstairs. 


 Moments later, we came back down to check on the door, and sure enough, the door was wide open. 


 We repeated this for a third time with the same outcome. My husband and I looked at each other and said, “well... I guess our ghost friend wants the door open.” 


 Anyways, this is my story. I sure do believe in ghosts now!