


massage_icons 【アメリカ在住夫婦に日本の印象を質問】ネイティブ英語インタビュー

アメリカ合衆国コロラド州出身の若い夫婦:TerronとSaraに、日本の第一印象を英語でインタビューしました。 歴史と日本食の話題が出ますが、「日本食」に関する外国人の典型的な勘違いが話題になります。

\ 注目ポイント /

Would you like to learn a polite and very natural way to tell someone that you don't like something? Keep reading! 

What do you think of Sara and Terron's impressions of Japanese food?

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Interviewer: Hey guys, great to be here with you today. Thanks for taking the time to speak with me. 

Sara: Of course, it's no problem!

Interviewer: Well, first off, could you tell me what the first thing you think of is when you think of Japan? 

Sara:  Um, Pearl Harbor

Interviewer: Interesting. Why is that? 

Sara: I guess it's because I don't know much about Japan, but everyone learns about Pearl Harbor in school. That's just the first thing that comes to my head when I think about Japan!

Terron: Well, the first thing I think of is the food!

Interviewer: What kind of food do you think of?

Terron: Let's see, mainly hibachi.

Interviewer: Hibachi, like the Japanese teppanyaki steakhouses they have in the U.S.? 

Terron: Right. Is there another kind?

Interviewer:  No, you're right. Hibachi in Japan is somewhat different, but they do grill the meat and vegetables. (turning to Sara) And do you like Japanese food, Sara? 

Sara: Oh yeah, I really like miso soup. Salmon's good too.

Interviewer: How do you eat your salmon?

Sara: Um, cooked?

Interviewer: Never raw? 

Sara:  Oh no, never. I couldn't do that. 

Interviewer: How about the skin? Could you eat that?

Sara: NO! (looking disgusted) It's so slimy!

Interviewer: So, I'm guessing you guys don't like sushi?

Terron:  Oh no, I love sushi. I always get a roll or two at Japanese restaurants.

Interviewer: What type of roll?

Terron: Tempura shrimp or spicy tuna are good, but I usually substitute the seaweed for rice paper. I'm not a fan of the fishy taste. 

Interviewer:  Those rolls are good, but are you aware that they don't have anything like that in Japan? 

Terron: What? No, sushi is Japanese food, isn't it?

Interviewer: It is, but the sushi you're eating is very Americanized. In Japan, they eat mainly raw fish, so either sashimi or, when it's on top of rice, nigiri.       They don't really have rolls with tempura shrimp, cream cheese, avocado, and cucumber all wrapped in rice or soy paper. And they definitely don't deep-fry their sushi. 

Terron:  Huh, I didn't know that. I thought I was eating authentic Japanese food.

Sara: Me too.

Interviewer: Most people do.