


massage_icons クレイジーな方法で行き先を決めたら...


\ 注目ポイント /

See how overwhelmed Alex is when he arrives in Japan!

What country do you think would overwhelm you the most to travel to?

  • 英語レベル(「ネイティブ」か「中級」)を選ぶ(一部の記事はネイティブのみ)
  • 音声を再生:文頭の をクリック
  • 日本語訳を確認:文末の をクリック
  • 注目ポイントの解説を読む:下線を引いた文字 をクリック
  • 後で読む:massage_icons を押してマイページに保存


 When I landed in Osaka, I felt like I'd stepped into a whole new world.       I had no idea where to go; the airport was huge and there were so many people. 


 I kept hearing Japanese out of the loudspeakers, but they were talking too fast for me to look up the words. 

 I looked at the map showing trains going around the city for 30 minutes, but I still had no idea where anything would take me. 


 It was a long flight, and I hadn't slept in 22 hours.       All I really wanted was some sleep and some food. 


 So, I closed my eyes and pointed to a spot on the map. 

 I bought a train ticket to that spot, hoping there'd be food and a place to stay! 


 When the plane landed in Osaka, I felt like I had entered a whole new world. 


 I had no idea where to go, because the airport was huge and there were so many people.       I kept hearing Japanese from the loudspeakers, but they were talking too fast for me to look up the words. 


 I spent thirty minutes looking at the map that showed trains going around the city, but I still had no idea where to go. 


 I'd had a long flight, and I hadn't slept in twenty-two hours.       All I really wanted was some sleep and some food. 


 So, I closed my eyes and pointed to a spot on the map.       I bought a train ticket to that spot, hoping to find food and a place to stay!