


massage_icons 偶然見つけた素敵な人と今の彼氏


\ 注目ポイント /

See a common way to ask someone to wait. 

Would you start talking to a stranger if you thought they were attractive?

  • 英語レベル(「ネイティブ」か「中級」)を選ぶ(一部の記事はネイティブのみ)
  • 音声を再生:文頭の をクリック
  • 日本語訳を確認:文末の をクリック
  • 注目ポイントの解説を読む:下線を引いた文字 をクリック
  • 後で読む:massage_icons を押してマイページに保存


 "Hold up." Tess pulls me to a stop.      "Hot guys, three o'clock," she murmurs in my ear, motioning subtly to the right with her chin. 

 "Wanna come talk to them with me?" 


 Tess knows I'm not the type to approach a group of guys, but when I look over, my eyes lock with one of them. 


 Oh. He's... gorgeous.      Tall, with thick brown hair and brown eyes, and he's staring right at me.       Frozen, I stare back at him.       The corners of his mouth slowly curve upward, and I feel my own lips curving in response. 


 "Lex? Lex? Earth to Lexa!"       Tess snaps her fingers in my face and I start, ripping my gaze from the guy with the gorgeous brown eyes. 


 "See something you like?" she teases.       I blush and shake my head. 

 "You know it's not like that. I have Hunter back home." 


 "Sure, Hunter.” Tess rolls her eyes.  


She’s not the biggest fan of my on-again, off-again boyfriend.        We've been together for three years, and Tess thinks he doesn't deserve me. 


 I mean, okay, he’s not the most attentive at times, and he does tend to forget my birthday and Valentine’s day and well...all the important holidays, I guess.     But she doesn’t see the times he can be really sweet, or give him credit for all the good things he’s done. 


 "I thought you guys were taking a break." 


 We're going through a bit of a rough patch right now, but I can't imagine my life without Hunter.       Even if he doesn't make time freeze like that dark-haired stranger. 


 Speaking of, I look to my right to see he’s gone.     I turn around, but don’t see him or his friends anywhere. 

 "Sorry Tess, looks like those guys are gone." 


 "No biggie, there are plenty of fish in the sea. Nice eye candy though, right Lex?"       Tess nudges me in the side.       She laughs when I roll my eyes and starts pulling me down the street again. 


 "Let's go see what's going on." 


 "Hold on," Tess says, pulling on my arm to stop me. 


 "There are some really hot guys over there," she says quietly in my ear, nodding to the right.      "Wanna come talk to them with me?" 


 Tess knows I'm shy and wouldn't just walk up to a group of guys.      But when I look over, I make eye contact with one of them. 


 Oh. He's... gorgeous.       He's tall, with thick brown hair and brown eyes, and he's staring right at me. 


 Frozen, I stare back at him.       He slowly starts to smile, and I feel myself smiling in response. 


 "Lex? Lex? Earth to Lexa!"       Tess snaps her fingers in my face.       I jump and look away from the guy with the gorgeous brown eyes. 


 "See something you like?" she teases.       I blush and shake my head. 

 "Come on, Tess, you know I have Hunter back at home." 


 "Sure, Hunter." Tess rolls her eyes      She doesn't like my on-again, off-again boyfriend.       We've been together three years, and Tess thinks he doesn't deserve me. 


 I mean, okay, he's not the best boyfriend sometimes.     He usually forgets my birthday and Valentine's Day and, well... all the important holidays, I guess. 


 But she doesn't see the times he can be really sweet, or notice any of the good things he's done. 


 "I thought you guys weren't dating anymore." 


 We're having a bit of a hard time right now, but I can't imagine my life without Hunter.       Even if he doesn't make time stop like that dark-haired stranger did. 


 I look to my right to see if he's still there, but he's gone.       I turn around, but I don't see him or his friends anywhere. 


 "Sorry Tess, it looks like those guys are gone." 


 "No big deal. There are plenty of fish in the sea. Nice eye candy though, right Lex?"       Tess nudges me in the side.       She laughs when I roll my eyes, and starts walking down the street again. 


 "Let's go see what's going on."