


massage_icons スターを目指して憧れのニューヨークへ


\ 注目ポイント /

See how Kiera is chasing her dream in New York City.

Do you have any big dreams you regret not going after?

  • 英語レベル(「ネイティブ」か「中級」)を選ぶ(一部の記事はネイティブのみ)
  • 音声を再生:文頭の をクリック
  • 日本語訳を確認:文末の をクリック
  • 注目ポイントの解説を読む:下線を引いた文字 をクリック
  • 後で読む:massage_icons を押してマイページに保存


 The taxi pulled up next to Radio City Music Hall

 "Stop!" I cried, already halfway out the door. 

 This was it. My big break, my chance to be more than just a girl strumming on her guitar. 


 I'd been dreaming my whole life of the day I'd go to New York to become a star, and that day was finally here. 


 Big dreams for a girl from Wisconsin, you say? 

 Maybe they are. 


 But, as my dad always says, "go big or go home." 

 And you better believe I'm not going home. 


 The taxi stopped at Radio City Music Hall

 "Stop!" I said, already opening the door. 


 This was it. My big break, my chance to be more than a girl with a guitar. 


 I'd been dreaming my whole life of the day I'd go to New York to become a star, and that day was finally here. 


 Are these big dreams for a girl from Wisconsin?      Maybe they are. 


 But, as my dad always says, "Go big or go home." 


 And I am definitely not going home.