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Sam 「恋人との別れ、そして出発」


massage_icons Sam 「恋人との別れ、そして出発」


\ 注目ポイント /

Find out what a fresh start is.

If you were looking for a fresh start, would you consider moving to a foreign country?

  • 英語レベル(「ネイティブ」か「中級」)を選ぶ(一部の記事はネイティブのみ)
  • 音声を再生:文頭の をクリック
  • 日本語訳を確認:文末の をクリック
  • 注目ポイントの解説を読む:下線を引いた文字 をクリック
  • 後で読む:massage_icons を押してマイページに保存


 "I'm sorry Sam, I just can't do it anymore."     Leah gives me one last hug before walking out of the room, leaving me forever. 


 It shouldn't surprise me, really.      Everyone leaves. They always have. 


 I spend the rest of the morning packing.     There's nothing left for me here, not anymore.       My computer lights up, making me pause. 


 An ad flashes across the screen, some sort of travel article.       I move closer to read the words, "Looking for a fresh start? Kosovo has it all." 


 Intrigued, I sit down and pull the article up. 

 "Never heard of Kosovo? You're not alone.     A beautiful country in southeastern Europe, Kosovo has kept itself a secret for centuries. 


 It's easy to see why locals would want to do so - the country has gorgeous scenery, amazing food, and the friendliest atmosphere you can find. 


 If you're tired of the daily grind, (and who isn't), why not consider coming to Kosovo?       Here, you'll be accepted no matter your race or background, and with the youngest population in Europe, you'll find a group of people that are as open as they are inviting. 


 If that isn't enough to persuade you, come for the incredible nature.     With mountains soaring into the sky, waterfalls hidden within the trees, and forests that heal, Kosovo is the change you've been looking for." 


 Forests that heal? I scoff.       If only it were that easy. 


 Still, I do need a fresh start.       And instant acceptance in a beautiful place sounds pretty much perfect. 


 "I'm sorry, Sam. I just can't do it anymore."       Leah gives me one last hug and then walks out of the room, leaving me forever. 


 It shouldn't surprise me, really.      Everyone leaves. They always have. 


 I spend the rest of the morning packing.     There's nothing left for me here, not anymore.      My computer lights up and I pause.      I see an ad on the screen, and it looks like a travel article. 


 I move closer and read the words, "Looking for a fresh start? Kosovo has it all."      Interesting. I sit down and click on the article. 


 "Kosovo, a beautiful country in southeastern Europe, is a place most people have never heard of.      Locals have kept their country a secret for years, and when you visit yourself, you'll understand why. 


 It's a gorgeous place, and it has amazing food and very friendly people.       If you're tired of doing the same thing every day, (and who isn't), why not consider coming to Kosovo? 


 It doesn't matter what race you are or what your background is: when you come here, you'll be accepted.      Kosovo has the youngest population in Europe, and that means they are very open to new ideas and new people. 


 If that isn't enough to convince you, come for the country's incredible scenery.      With beautiful mountains, hidden waterfalls, and forests that heal, Kosovo is the change you've been looking for." 


 Forests that heal? I scoff.       If only it were that easy. 


 Still, I do need a fresh start.       And being accepted instantly in a beautiful place sounds perfect.