


massage_icons ラスベガス銃乱射事件の概要


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See what it means when something is "winding down!"

Do you listen to country music? What do you think of it?

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 It was a beautiful fall night in Las Vegas.       The Route 91 Harvest Festival was winding down, with Jason Aldean giving the closing performance for the crowd. 


 22,000 people were singing and dancing to the music when the first gunshots rang out.       The next ten minutes were a nightmare: people ran anywhere they could for cover, but not all were able to make it. 


 58 people lost their lives that night, and an additional 869 were injured. 


 The shooter was Stephen Paddock, a 64-year-old man who lived just 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas.       After weeks of planning, preparing, and setting up two hotel rooms to accomplish this horrifying act, Paddock took his own life. 


Source - 1


 It was a beautiful fall night in Las Vegas.       The Route 91 Harvest Festival was ending, and country music star Jason Aldean was giving the closing performance for the crowd. 


 22,000 people were singing and dancing to the music when the first gunshots were fired. 


 The next ten minutes were a nightmare: people ran anywhere they could for cover, but not all were able to make it. 

 58 people died that night, and 869 were injured. 


 The shooter was Stephen Paddock, a 64-year-old man who lived 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas. 


 He planned and prepared for two weeks and then got two connecting hotel rooms above the festival at the Mandalay Bay hotel, all so he could shoot and kill as many people as possible. 


 Finally, at the end of the night, Paddock shot one last person: himself. 


Source - 1