
【Get it off your chest 意味と使い方】ネイティブ英語熟語


massage_icons 【Get it off your chest 意味と使い方】ネイティブ英語熟語

ネイティブがよく使う英語熟語「Get it off your chest」の意味や正しい使い方を実際の事例と共にネイティブ英語で解説しています。

\ 注目ポイント /

See what it means when something "bugs" you!

Is it hard for you to talk to people you're upset at? Or is it not a big deal?

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 "Get it off your chest" 


 Sometimes, when things bug us, instead of letting the person or people know, we keep our feelings inside. 


 We don't say how we feel, for any reason really; maybe we don't want the other person to be mad at us, or maybe we feel like we shouldn't be feeling the way we do.   


 But sometimes we can't hold our feelings inside anymore, and the pressure has built up so much, we have to get it off our chests to keep going. 


 If someone close to you can see that you're acting differently and not expressing yourself, they may tell you to get it off your chest. 

 To just say it, so you can go back to normal. 


 Likewise, you may try to hint at your true feelings without saying them outright, but usually this just confuses the other person and they may get frustrated. 


 To get it off your chest you have to express how you truly feel; otherwise, there's no moving on for anybody.