


massage_icons もう一緒に祝えない誕生日


\ 注目ポイント /

 Discover one of the most popular restaurants in the United States to get cheesecake.

How do you feel about cheesecake? Is it something people in Japan have on their birthdays?

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  • 注目ポイントの解説を読む:下線を引いた文字 をクリック
  • 後で読む:massage_icons を押してマイページに保存


 Dear Nicole, 



 Yesterday was your birthday.       Do you still get a whole chocolate cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory and eat it all week long?       I hope so. 


 That was one of the things I loved best about you, the way you didn't care what anyone else thought.      It didn't matter how many times your mom told you you'd gain weight or your sister said it was a waste of money - you wanted cheesecake, you got cheesecake. 


 I wish I was there to celebrate with you, I'd splurge and get the Godiva - along with whatever else you wanted.    


 You told me once I never fought for anything.       I just went along with whatever happened, content to let other people take the reins


 You were right Nicole; I didn't fight for what I wanted.         But that's changing, because I'm fighting for you. 



 Love, Eli 


 Dear Nicole, 



 Yesterday was your birthday.       Do you still get a huge chocolate cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory and eat it all week long? 


  I hope so. One of the things I loved most about you was the way you didn't care what anyone else thought. 


 It didn't matter how many times your mom told you you'd gain weight or your sister said it was a waste of money - you wanted cheesecake, you got cheesecake. 


 I wish I was there to celebrate your birthday with you; I'd get you the best cheesecake they had, and whatever else you wanted, too. 


 You told me once that I never fought for anything.      You said that I just let things happen, and I didn't try to change them.   


 You were right, Nicole.       I didn't fight for what I wanted.      But I'm changing that, because I'm fighting for you. 



 Love, Eli