


massage_icons 初めて精神科を予約した6ヶ月前


\ 注目ポイント /

See what it means to be "running late!"

Would you tell a new friend something personal, the way Ariana does here?

  • 英語レベル(「ネイティブ」か「中級」)を選ぶ(一部の記事はネイティブのみ)
  • 音声を再生:文頭の をクリック
  • 日本語訳を確認:文末の をクリック
  • 注目ポイントの解説を読む:下線を引いた文字 をクリック
  • 後で読む:massage_icons を押してマイページに保存


 Ariana nervously ran her fingers through her hair.      She was running late for her doctor's appointment, but she wasn't sure she could do it. 


 She knew she needed help, but she'd never been to a psychiatrist before.      What if he laughed at her?     Dismissed her problems? 


 All of a sudden, she heard a knock on the door.       She looked up to see Ky, her neighbor that moved in a few months ago. 


 "You alright?" he asked. "I came to see if you wanted...." he stopped abruptly as he got a good look at Ariana's face. 

 "Hey what's wrong?" he said, coming into the room all the way. 


 Ariana didn't know what to say.      Should she tell Ky?      She didn't know him that well.       But maybe he could help - give her the push she needed.      He seemed nice, and he was always wiling to help out.  


 Mind made up, she attempted a smile.      "I have an appointment with a shrink today." she said, crossing her fingers he wouldn't run away. 


 Ariana was nervous.   

 She was late for her doctor's appointment, but she wasn't sure she could go to it.      She knew she needed help, but she'd never been to a psychiatrist before. 


 What if he laughed at her? Or told her that her problems weren't a big deal? 


 Suddenly, she heard a knock on the door.       She looked up to see Ky, her neighbor that had moved in a few months ago. 


 "You alright?" he asked. "I came to see if you wanted..." he stopped talking when he got a good look at Ariana's face.   

 "Hey, what's wrong?" he asked.      He came into the room all of the way. 


 Ariana didn't know what to say.       Should she tell Ky? She didn't know him that well.      But maybe he could help her, and tell her if she should go to the doctor. 


 He seemed nice and was always offering to help out.      She made up her mind and gave him a small smile. 


 "I have an appointment with a shrink today," she said, hoping he wouldn't run away.