


massage_icons 正体不明の恐怖から必死に逃げる


\ 注目ポイント /

Here, Ariana is in a tense situation. 

Are you the type of person to run from a tense situation, or stay and fight?

  • 英語レベル(「ネイティブ」か「中級」)を選ぶ(一部の記事はネイティブのみ)
  • 音声を再生:文頭の をクリック
  • 日本語訳を確認:文末の をクリック
  • 注目ポイントの解説を読む:下線を引いた文字 をクリック
  • 後で読む:massage_icons を押してマイページに保存


 Heart pounding, Ariana slowly raised the window.      She froze as she heard footsteps outside the door, then relaxed as they continued past.     She inched the window slowly upward, then gasped as the chair wobbled. 


 Hand covering her mouth, she looked towards the door.       She needed to work fast.       She quickly pushed the window up the rest of the way, then lifted herself up and tumbled through. 


 She was out!       She heard a shout as her door opened and they saw she was gone, but she didn't have time to worry about that.       She ran off into the night, towards the forest. Towards safety. 


 She ran blindly, oblivious to the cold and unaware of the branches scraping her bare arms.       Blood trailed from her foot as she cut it on a sharp rock, but she couldn't stop. 


 She froze as she heard his voice, calling her from a distance. "Ariaaaaana."


 Ariana shivered as she continued running, faster than before.       She wouldn't go back there. She had to get away.  


 Ariana slowly raised the window.       She stopped as she heard footsteps outside the door, but relaxed when they kept walking. 


 She raised the window up very slowly, then gasped when the chair she was standing on wobbled.      She covered her mouth and looked back towards the door. 


 She needed to work fast.       She pushed the window up the rest of the way, then lifted herself up to climb through. 

 She was out! 


 She heard her door open and someone shout when they saw she was gone, but she didn't have time to worry about that.      She started running towards the forest, where it was safe. 


 She didn't care that it was cold, or that branches were cutting her arms.       She cut her foot on a rock as she ran, but she couldn't stop. 


 She stopped as she heard his voice, calling her from far away. 



 Ariana shivered and started running again, this time faster than before.       She wouldn't go back there. 

 She had to get away.