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アメリカ女子高生 Sarahの青春日記


massage_icons 【やっと高校4年生!】アメリカ女子高生の英語日記


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Discover how Sara is going to “live it up” during her senior year.

Did you enjoy your last year of high school?

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 August 26th


 Well, this is it. 12th grade.


 Can you believe 11 years have passed since I started school?      I never thought I'd reach this day.       But just one more year and.... freedom!! 


 It almost makes school starting again worth it, knowing that this is the last time I'll have to walk these halls. 


 The last time I'll have to eat nasty cafeteria food and listen to teachers go on and on about subjects I don't care about. 


 I'm a senior now!       Honestly though, I'm gonna live it up this year. 


 Basketball's going to rock; if we can win the state championship again, this'll be the best year ever! 


 August 26th 


 I'm finally a senior! I can't believe eleven years have passed since I started school! 


 I never thought I'd reach my last year, but I'm almost free! 


 I'm so glad this is the last time I'll have to walk these halls.      This is also the last time I'll have to eat gross cafeteria food and listen to teachers talk about subjects I don't care about. 


 Honestly, I'm going to live it up this year.       I'm so excited for basketball season; I hope we can win the state championship again! 


 This will be the best year ever!